12/21/2016 12:15:00 pm
Assalamualaikum If you have read my previous post, I have mentioned that the place I want to visit besides Makkah is the UK. If Traveloka approves my leave, I will spend my holiday at London because it has been my childhood dream since I can remember. I don’t know why but London totally caught...

Askmeme: Too Much Information tag

12/09/2016 10:33:00 pm
Assalamualaikum Thanks to Liyana for tagging me (basically she tag everyone who read it, but okay). Since I don't have anything to update anything, I'll just answer all these 50 questions - I know you won't read all of these but I still want to answer all these questions. 1. What are you wearing? Currently...

Rant: life motivation (?)

12/02/2016 05:33:00 pm
Assalamualaikum First of all ai nak cakap sorry because I didn't update anything ever since masuk sem kedua ni. And it's already December! Can you believe it? Cepat betul masa berlalu, huhu. Lagi sebulan je nak tinggalkan 2016. So far 2016 have given me lots of experiences as university student...

MY TOP 5: Frequently use smartphone Apps

11/11/2016 05:06:00 pm
Assalamualaikum Hi guys, I am back with my 5 top  series. Today I want to share to you my 5 frequently used applications - excluding social media - on my smartphone. Everyone knows smartphone is like one the an essentials in our daily life. We use smartphone to connect with our friends, family...

Haul: Hermo mini haul

11/07/2016 04:16:00 pm
Assalamualaikum On 25th October I've placed my order at Hermo.my - it's kind of self-reward for me, because it has been a long time since I bought something other than books -_- Usually, I bought my skincare product from Watson, but since I have been watching Hermo (and all their promotions) for...

Askmeme: Spooky Asks

11/03/2016 08:01:00 pm
Assalamualaikum I know Halloween was like 3 days ago, but by then it never cross my mind to do this spooky asks that I had written on my journal 5 months ago. I had all those time and I was too lazy but then forgotten to do it. smh. But still, it's not too late right? I got these ask meme from...

Sem break watch list

10/19/2016 02:08:00 pm
Assalamualaikum Firstly, I want to say I'm so sorry for not posting anything for a month. My life had been hectic with final exam and packing for semester break going on. But now that I'm home - since last week actually - I finally encourage myself to be a lil diligent and update this blog. As...

Eid Mubarak

7/05/2016 10:34:00 pm
Assalamualaikum Howdy everyone! First of all, I'm sorry for the lack of update ;( I'm officially a uni student for a month now tapi bukan itu sebabnya kenapa aku tak post apa-apa dalam masa sebulan ni. The ultimate reason is because I didn't bring along my laptop to uni, so it's pretty hard...

MY TOP 5 Sports Anime

5/23/2016 09:55:00 pm
Assalamualaikum Hi today i want to share to you my top 5 favorite sport anime - these may be the only sport anime I ever watch. But don't let that fool you, I assure you these are the only sport anime you will find interesting hehe - this is my opinion, if you ever watched any sport anime more...


5/17/2016 12:07:00 pm
Assalamualaikum Macam yang semua tahu, semalam keputusan UPU dah keluar kan. Tapi sebelum tu ada yang bagi unofficial link untuk check keputusan. Aku tak guna pun unofficial link tu sebab niat dalam hati memang nak tunggu jugak sampai pukul 12 tengahari.  Tepat je pukul 12 tu, aku...

#Ananasgoodmood Shawls Giveaway

5/16/2016 09:25:00 pm
Assalamualaikum Click banner untuk join sama-sama! ...

Birthday Giveaway by Wanaseoby.com

5/10/2016 08:07:00 pm
Assalamualaikum Dah lama tak join giveaway, mana tahu kali ni aku bertuah hehe. Boleh tekan banner kalau nak join sama. Jom join ramai-ramai! btw, happy belated birthday kak Wana :D Tag: one, two, three...

A little update

4/25/2016 02:17:00 pm
Assalamualaikum Hi sorry for the lack of entries. Dalam entry yang lepas – which was 2 weeks ago – aku pernah tulis "I'm such a lazy bum when it comes to updating my blog" – or something like that, and this is the proof. The reason behind this is I don't know what to write about. Sometimes...

Anime Review: Haikyuu!! Season 2

4/12/2016 01:16:00 pm
Assalamualaikum Hi you can say this review is the continuation from the first season's review :D you can read the first season review here [click] Okay some of you may not know that the second season of this anime just finished airing on 27th March 2016 (I just realize it two days ago ;-;)  I've...

18th Birthday

4/02/2016 09:24:00 pm
Assalamualaikum Happy April and happy birthday to me! Yeah I'm finally 18 years old. Haha I don't know but ever since I start secondary school, I can't wait to be 18 years old. Maybe because since that time I always went out with my friends to watch movies on cinema and always frustrated because...

Wordless Wednesday: flaws are ok

3/30/2016 07:57:00 pm

Meet The Author: Sarah J. Maas

3/23/2016 09:24:00 pm
Assalamualaikum Okay so I should have type out this entry last week but I was so tired and lots of things went wrong that made me unable to post this entry last week. This is kind of an ""old"" story, so I'm going to type this in past tense – or rojak tense I don’t know grammar anymore. I knew...

Anime Review: Zankyou No Terror

3/13/2016 02:01:00 pm
Assalamualaikum Warning: this post may contain spoiler. Read at your own risk. English: Terror in Resonance Japanese: 残響のテロル Type: TV Episodes: 11 Aired: Jul 11, 2014 to Sep 26, 2014 Producers: Aniplex, Dentsu, Fuji TV, Tohokushinsha Film Corporation Licensors: FUNimation Entertainment Source:...


3/02/2016 04:02:00 pm
Assalamualaikum I think March this year is a pretty scary month for me. As all of you know, those who took sijil pelajaran malaysia (SPM) in 2015 will receive their result on 3rd or March (esok omg). Unsurprisingly, I am one of the SPM leavers. So it makes my heart beat a little bit faster every...

25 Things that makes me happy

2/19/2016 06:12:00 pm
Assalamualaikum First of all I want to thank Sis BV for tagging me! Finally I got something to write about in my blog lol. So here we are, let's spread love and positivity! First thing first, let's get into the rules: Create a new post + Insert the theme picture above List 25 things that make...

Newborn kittens

1/28/2016 04:47:00 pm
Assalamualaikum The night of 11th January 2016, my female cat that we call "auuk" -  I'll tell you the story behind the name some other time okay? - gave birth to 3 the most adorable little kittens! At first we (my mom and I) though it's going to be 4 kittens since she said "biasa kucing...