Thanks to Liyana for tagging me (basically she tag everyone who read it, but okay). Since I don't have anything to update anything, I'll just answer all these 50 questions - I know you won't read all of these but I still want to answer all these questions.
1. What are you wearing?
Currently I'm wearing stripes t-shirt and a tracksuit. Since it's already night nak pakai lawa-lawa buat apa haha
2. Ever been in love?
Generally, yes - fell in love with fictional characters, nature, etc. but not with other man neither I'm in a relationship. Please it's just a big NO for me.
3. Ever had a terrible breakup?
4. How tall are you?
I'd like to think I'm average height 5'2" (160cm).
5. How much do you weight?
Ehem, the last time I check 41kg but mana la tahu berat ai dah naik (or turun, please)
6. Any tattoos?
Nope, but I'm not against non-muslim people wearing tattoo because human canvas is awesome (sorry)
7. Any piercings?
8. OTP?
Eleanor and Park from the novel Eleanor and Park. That novel is so good you need to read it.
9. Favourite show?
The Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf and The Adventure of Merlin. These are my favs tv shows and you should watch them too.
10. Favourite bands?
Twenty-one Pilots, Panic! At the Disco, and One Direction.
11. Something you miss?
My mom 😢 It has been a month since I last saw my mom. And currently she's living with my dad at Sabah, so I have to wait until cuti mid-sem baru boleh balik rumah huhu.
12. Favourite song?
One of my current favourite songs is Cold Water - Major Lazer (ft Justin Bieber & MØ)
13. How old are you?
18 years and 9 months. I'm gonna be 19 in less than 3 months 😧
14. Zodiac sign?
Aries - I always read zodiac sites and what I can conclude is Aries is such a bitchy loyal fiery enthusiastic human being.
15. Quality you look for in a partner?
Loyalty, smart, good sense of humor, patience and tidy person. You see, this is why I don't have a boyfriend.
16. Favorite quote?
"If you're good at something, never do it for free." - Joker from Batman movies.
17. Favorite actor?
Johnny Depp.
18. Favorite color?
Black & rose gold.
19. Loud music or soft?
I like both of them but mostly R&B and pop - but sometimes instrumental pun okay.
20. Where do you go when you're sad?
I'd rather be alone and sometimes I'll open instagram and watch cats videos because cat videos makes everything feels better.
21. How long does it take you to shower?
15-20 minutes I guess (?) Sometimes more or less.
22. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
Minus showering, approximately about 10-15 minutes. I'm the fastest to get ready kut when our family nak pergi mana-mana.
23. Ever been in a physical fight?
Nah. Too young to do idiotic thing.
24. Turn ons?
Kind-heart, intelligence those guys who're good with kids or animals.
25. Turn offs?
Those people who are unhygienic and swear profanities all the time. Ugh, please keep a hold of yourself.
26. The reason I joined Blogger?
Originally, because all my friends also have blogs but now I'm the only one yang ada blog ._. And also because one of my hobbies is writing and I love read other people's blogs. Yeah, there's that.
27. Fears?
Acrophobia, claustrophobia, atelophobia.
28. Last thing that made you cry?
I always cry other a sad part of a book.
29. Last time you said you love someone?
Hm, I said it to my friend I guess (?)
30. Meaning behind your url?
It's supposed to be Gareki - which is a main character in anime Karneval and my fav ever. But since it was taken, I set Garaeki instead.
31. The last book you read?
Insurgent (#2 Divergent) by Veronica Roth.
32. The book you're currently reading?
Allegiant (#3 Divergent) by Veronica Roth. I can't seem to finish this book as fast as I want to because I just lost the passion after watching the movie and it's 90% NOT same as the book 😞
33. Last show you watched?
Anime called Barakamon.
34. Last person you talked to?
One of my roommate. She went to buy Mountain Dew (haha)
35. The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
Family! It was my mom hehe.
36. Favorite food?
Tomyam. My mom cook tomyam the best (sorry everyone)
37. Place you want to visit?
Makkah of course but after that Japan or the UK.
38. Last place you were?
Kangar, Perlis. I went to hangout with my roommate.
39. Do you have a crush?
Nope at the moment.
40. Last time you kissed someone?
Me mom!
41. Last time you were insulted?
I don't really remember. Usually I just brush it off whenever people talk bad about me - or I insult them back, sorry.
42. Favorite flavor of sweet?
43. What instruments do you play?
None. The last instrument I learn was violin but it was 2 years ago and I didn't remember anything that I learnt.
44. Favorite piece of jewellery?
Rings and bracelet. Proud to say I wear them to anywhere I go and whenever I don't, I always feel like my hands are too bare.
45. Last sport you played?
Volleyball and I was form 4 too. I'm not the most athletic person you'll ever know.
46. Last song you sang?
Starboy - The Weeknd (ft Daft Punk)
47. Favorite chat up line?
"Would you rather eat a pound of bricks or a matter baby?"
"What's a matter baby?"
"Nothing's the matter with me. What's a matter with you?"
Psh. That's really smooth okay.
48. Have you ever use it?
haha nope. I'd be too embarrass if someone don't get it -//-
49. Last time you hung out with anyone?
50. Who should answer these questions next?
Anyone who's reading this right now :)
So that's all my answers to all these 50 questions. Some answers may bored you to death because I don't know what else to say and you can conclude by this that I'm very straightforward person. I don't like it when someone ask question and another answer it with all the bunga-bunga or cakap pasal benda lain. Straightforwardness is awesome, okay. Only black or white - and a little grey if I'm not too sure.
Okay, bye see ya when I write again. Assalamualaikum.
you must be underweight kan... kita lebih kurang sama je berat and tinggi hahaha i think you're slightly thinner than me
ReplyDeletehaha yep memang underweight pun T_T tu berat before this sekarang dah makin naik kot XD
DeleteEleanor and Park!! I love that book too.. xD
ReplyDeleteyep, that book is so gooood :p
DeleteI love tomyam too!
ReplyDeletebtw, Liyana bukan budak sekolah lagi ke? haha
Deleteyep baru perasan *maigaaad* & edited :B
I guess you miss #49
ReplyDeleteI actually missed 48 T_T but now edited, thanks for pointing it out :D
Deletei bet u'r my frenz ;D
ReplyDeletebcz ur style just like her XD
waniiiii *gasp
Deletefell in love with fictional characters! sama la kita. wahahahaha XD
ReplyDeletehahaha kan especially yang dari anime tu XD
ReplyDeleteayyy i've always wanted to know what 'garaeki' means hahahah xD