I want to try start a new series on my blog aside from My Top 5 series. I don't know if I can keep doing this for how long as you know that I rarely post entries here... π Regardless, I want to share with you my personal thoughts and opinion on a restaurant or the food that I had tried.
This is the first of the series. I know i am awful at expressing my feeling through writing but let's give it a try, shouldn't we? π
If you have any tips on how I can improve my writing, please comment down below. I will appreciate your help. (cewah fefeeling youtuber gitteww)
Warning! This is purely my thoughts and opinion. Different people, different opinions. If you want to share your opinion, you can comment below. I would love to read it π Also, I wrote this entry back on 2nd December and now baru dapat a chance to post it. Sorry if it's confusing π

Today my friend and I went to NU Sentral to try outs Ojju K-Food which is a Korean food restaurant. I had seen a viral tweet on twitter about this restaurant and urge my friend to try it with me. We set a date and ta-da, today (1st December) is the day. She had to work until 12.30 noon but it's okay. I can wait.
1st tip! If you want to try this restaurant I recommend you to book a table a day or two days before going to the restaurant.
This is because Ojju at NU sentral is the first one in Malaysia. There are going to be lots of people want to try the food there. I ain't kidding guys, there was lots of people who have to queue and waiting. The waiting time is 20 minutes minimum. Yes, minimum! And a worker there told us that during lunch hour on Friday, the waiting time is 40 minutes minimum. So please consider this if you want to try this out. Booking ahead of time to save you lots of time.
Warning! Please be there on time! We were late for 3 minutes macam tu and dia dah potong nama. But I am so grateful the workers there are so considerate and still give us a table. Tapi janganlah because the worker considerate you all saja-saja buat lambat and then demand a table jugak π
What I like about Ojju is, during waiting time dorang tak akan suruh korang tunggu macam tu je. They will give you their menu and order form, so you can think of what you want to eat and terus tick on the order form. Tak ada lah nanti bila dah duduk haa kena fikir nak makan apa pulak kan. Kan dah bazir banyak masa kat situ. So thumbs up to the people who came up with this idea. They also will ask for your name and write it down so they can call you when a table has cleared up.
I totally love it when a customer is coming in, a worker will shout "Annyeong haseyo" - I think that's how you spell it. Sorry I don't know Korean π
and the others will say "Welcome to Ojju!"
And when a customer dah bayar and going out, someone will shout "Kamsahamnida" and the other will say "Thank you for coming!". Such a great environment lah.

Pic courtesy to my friend. This is from her angle.

Hot & Spicy Fried Chicken

The fried rice. I swear it is not this intimidating. I have been adjusting my camera phone contrast π
We ordered:
1. Drinks -
- Watermelon Lemonade - mine (RM8.50)
- Honey Mint Lemonade - my friend's (RM8.50)
Both drinks are so good, no doubt.
2. Food -
- Hot & Spicy Fried Chicken (RM17.90)
- Rolling cheese Chicken (wings) + fried rice - we took BBQ spicy flavor (RM43.90 + RM11.90)
Seriously, ini pun dah banyak gila. Terlebih kenyang dah ni. If you are going with just 2 people, ini memang dah berpatutan.
My verdict
What I like:
I love their Hot & Spicy Fried Chicken. Totally worth it. 2nd tips! If you don't know what to get from the menu, this is the one. Get this okay. The honey + spiciness is just the best ever. It's like chicken popcorn but with honey spicy flavor. Sedap tak terkata wei. Until now I am typing this pun terliur lagiii. The chips are good, the chicken is good. Totally 11/10 for this dish.
What I don't like:
I am not fond of their signature dish which is Rolling cheese chicken. The main turn off is the pickle as I hate pickle. That is my personal problem. They will use the remaining cheese in the pan to fried the rice tau. So jadilah cheesy fried rice. I don't like to eat mt rice with cheese. Again, my personal problem. This is because bila dah sejuk nasi tu dia jadi muak tau. Kenyang yes, muak pun yes. I give 5/10 for this dish because the chicken pun tak rasa macam wow sangat.
Overall, I will give this restaurant 7/10. The customer service is good, some dishes are great, although there are other restaurant can surpass this. Do you want to try this again but with other dishes? Recommend me other dishes yang you all rasa betul-betul best. Maybe I will try it again.
There goes my first experience + review. How do you think? Should I keep this series or not? You can find Ojju Malaysia on Facebook (click here) Message them on messenger if you want to book a table.
Wew I did not expect for this post to be this long. I should probably stop now. Okay. Bye.
Have you been to Ojju yet?
Until I write again,
p/s: this is not sponsored. But if Ojju nak sponsor pun boleh hehehe