Pasar Terapung, Perlis

1/13/2021 09:45:00 pm

Hari ni I nak kongsi dengan korang satu tempat menarik dekat Perlis. Korang mungkin dah tahu sebab ada akaun @PerlisAktif di Twitter dan bagitahu tentang tempat ni. Tapi I nak juga kongsikan pengalaman I sendiri pergi kat sini. I pergi sebelum pengumuman PKP lagi, 3 Januari 2021. Dah lama baru nak kongsikan dekat sini. Asyik tak berpeluang je nak menulis. Tulis assignment lagi penting haha.

I tak tahu korang tahu ke tak yang I bukan orang Perlis. I belajar je di salah satu universiti kat sini. Jadi dari kolej kediaman I naik bas ke KWSP Kangar. Haa lepas tu mula la sesi berjalan dengan kawan I. Alhamdulillah cuaca masa tu elok je walau sedikit mendung.

Pasar terapung ni bertempat di Pengkalan Assam, Kangar atau dikenali sebagai Denai Larian. 

Jadi kami berjalan dari KWSP ke Pengkalan Assam tu. Jalan kaki dalam setengah jam atau lebih ada kot. Pertama kali kami pergi jadi tak sedar sejauh tu la. Rupanya ada je jalan shortcut. Dah balik baru tahu -_-

Sebelum masuk kami kena scan MySejahtera dan scan suhu dulu baru boleh masuk. Bila dah berjalan di tempat yang ramai orang, kena pandai jaga diri sendiri contohnya jaga penjarakan sosial. Jumlah sampan yang ada hanya 10. Kira okay la sebab tasik di situ pun tak besar mana pun. Selain dari penjualan makanan dekat sampan tu, ada jugak yang jual di bawah khemah.

Aktiviti yang ada hanyalah kayak dan naik sampan. Seorang RM2 selama 20 minit. Macam menarik tapi kami tak naik pun sebab waktu tu mendung sangat dah. Gambar-gambar di dalam post ini telah di-edit jadi tak nampak sangat mendung tu.

Ada banyak meja dan kerusi disediakan di tepi tasik. Jadi selepas buat pembelian pengunjung boleh duduk mana kat situ. Makanan yang dijual pun boleh tahan, berpatutan dengan harga. Kami beli:
  • Somtam mangga - RM5
  • Rojak buah - RM5
  • ABC - RM3.50
Ini memang harga biasa kat Perlis ni. Somtam tu ada tempat yang lebih murah dan sedap dari kat situ tapi kalau nak cuba okay je. Ada banyak lagi makanan yang kami tak sempat nak rasa sebab lepas tu hujan turun selenbat-lebatnya. Nasib baik kami berdua bawak payung seorang satu. Berlindungkan payung je la duduk di kerusi dan meja yang disediakan sambil makan makanan yang kami beli. Gambar pun tak sempat nak ambil ;-;

Pengalaman yang menarik walaupun bagi sesetengah orang dekat sini kosong je takde apa. I rasa seronok je perhgi sini sambil exercise kaki. Haa lepas tu balik rumah 3 hari sakit peha. I tak biasa jalan jauh-jauh ^^"

Kalau korang datang ke Perlis, jangan lupa singgah kat sini. Ada lagi tempat menarik kat Perlis ni yang I tak jejak lagi. Padahal dah 4 tahun duduk sini haha. Nanti bila I pergi, I akan kongsikan kat sini lagi.

Sehingga I menulis lagi,

Recap and Lessons of 2020

1/01/2021 04:51:00 pm


Happy new year! May Allah bless us this year. May everything will be better this year too. Don't forget to take care of yourself. Value yourself more than you value others. Remember mental health is as important as physical health.

What a year 2020 has been. There are some things that I’m grateful to experience for the first time. Such as those things I have done in quarantine (click to read about it). Also, nothing is stopping me from browsing and buying things online especially when there’s a sale every month. Well, there’s something for sure: an empty bank account.

Let’s recap this year, shall we?

1/3 of 2020: January – April
  • February: First time went to a salon and get my hair professionally cut
  • March: Made first ceramic, first went to Cameron Highland with my friends, first online class, first lockdown
That’s a lot of firsts in March. Little did past me know that everything would happen so fast. It was a week after we went to Cameron that lockdown happened. Thankful we had time to go there before everything else happened. 

COVID-19 widely spread all over the world and we had our country on lockdown. Months spent in a house. Good and bad things happened but they all in the past now. Alhamdulillah, no one in my family gets sick from the virus. I hope you are well too. Don’t forget to wear your mask!

I turned 22 in April. A very normal day without any celebration because of a certain problem. I am grateful I am still alive. Alhamdulillah.

2/3: May – August
  • Jun: First time trying embroidery
  • July: Finished my first paint-by-number
  • August: Hosted my first giveaway
Everything was slowly back to normal. The number of people infected in Malaysia also decreased. There was even a day where the number of people infected is 0. Don’t you guys miss it too? But it was for a short while. Because of selfish people, we are forced to go through it again.

Spent most of my time reading and watching movies/series at this part of the year. Grateful to have a lot of movies/series to watch. Read here if you are interested in knowing what I have watched. This is the time I decided to start writing on my blog again. But well, that is also short-lived.

3/3: September – December
It has been 2 months since I last wrote anything in this blog. It is because I haven’t done anything except for studying. I don’t want to be repeating the same thing over and over again. All I’ve done just went to laboratories for my lab sessions then staying at my residential college and go to my online class. Occasionally my friends and I will go out to eat or buy things and that’s it. Most of the time spent complaining about the quizzes, tests, and assignments we have to complete within the time limit.

It’s pretty boring, right? See I can write what happened in just a paragraph. I don’t want to bore you with the same thing in every post. Maybe next year exciting things will happen to me and I can share them with you. Maybe. Hopefully.

COVID-19 situation? Even worse. Hit the highest number of people infected in the country somewhere in this part. Please wear your mask, take care of yourself! If you didn’t, who else will do it for you? Let’s take a moment to pray for this epidemic to be better or be gone. May Allah eases our life, insyaAllah.

Lesson learned:
  • Overwhelm by the number of works to do? Take a deep breath and start making a list. Sometimes a deep breath is all it takes to chill. If nothing works, go lie down and get yourself together. Do something you like. No one can help you if you didn't help yourself.

Overall 2020 has been an on/off kind of situation. Alas, let’s be thankful that we are still alive now. May 2021 brings us great things. May you get everything you wish for in 2020, InsyaAllah! I am going to get my first nephew next year, InsyaAllah. Please pray that everything will go smoothly for my sister.

How was your 2020? Anything major happened?

Until I write again,