First time gastric pain

1/19/2022 12:47:00 pm
AssalamualaikumAs the title said, yes I got my first gastric pain last week. I saw my friends have had this kind of pain before and it looks painful, not gonna lie. She could not even sit straight up. Now I know how it felt like.The first day I had it was on 12th January. I was so lucky the pain started...

Recap and Lessons of 2021 | A to Z ver.

1/01/2022 09:49:00 pm
AssalamualaikumHappy new year! May all your wishes comes true, may Allah bless everything that you have done or going on in your life. Don't forget to take care of your health. Be kind to others as you want others to be kind to you. Love yourself, so that you have so much love that you can give to others...

Online classes and I

6/01/2021 08:00:00 pm
Assalamualaikum    It has been 5 months since my last update. Nothing has changed much except that I am now in the 6th semester of my degree. It has been 1 year and 3 months since I started online classes. I have shared my thoughts before on what I felt, if you are interested in reading that,...

Pasar Terapung, Perlis

1/13/2021 09:45:00 pm
AssalamualaikumHari ni I nak kongsi dengan korang satu tempat menarik dekat Perlis. Korang mungkin dah tahu sebab ada akaun @PerlisAktif di Twitter dan bagitahu tentang tempat ni. Tapi I nak juga kongsikan pengalaman I sendiri pergi kat sini. I pergi sebelum pengumuman PKP lagi, 3 Januari 2021. Dah...