Hari ni rasa macam nak membebel sikit la. Bukan sekali dua aku asyik terfikir nak buat entry ni, tapi banyak kali juga la. Tapi setelah fikir lebih banyak kebaikan untuk aku dan semua, lebih baik aku buat jugak la.
Author's note: Semua yang aku tulis di sini adalah dari pengalaman aku dan bukan bertujuan untuk menunjuk tapi untuk menjelaskan soalan yang selalu orang tanya sampai rasa berbuih dah mulut ni nak jawab. *ceh macam retis ke idok
Please take note than I am an almost 19 years old girl with 16.9 BMI.
"Kenapa kurus?"
"Macam mana boleh kurus?"
"Tak makan ke?"
Soalan-soalan di atas ni acap kali juga ditujukan kepada aku. Mana-mana pun aku pergi mesti akan ada yang tanya salah satu dari soalan ni. Dan ada jugak yang paling rare tanya aku ada "bela sesuatu" ke. Jawapan kepada soalan tu semestinya tidak sama sekali! Nauzubillah...
First of all, I want to say that I was told by one of my aunts that I inherit my mother's body build when she was my age. I've done some research that
"Some aspects of shape and size, it turns out, are more closely tied to genes than others."Source: active.com
This is one of the reasons kenapa aku kurus. Sekarang dah boleh tanya your mother okay, macam mana your mother's punya badan when she was your age. Tapi aku tak rasa this is applied to all of you, maybe kalau you banyak sisters it only inherit to one of your sister je. But for me, my sister and I dua-dua kurus but she's slightly taller than me with 160cm height. That's why comparing to me, she looks skinnier.
Secondly, ada juga yang tanya aku makan atau tak. Erm, macam orang selalu cakap "makan untuk hidup, hidup untuk makan!" Of course la aku makan, just not as much as other people. Sometimes I will take a scoop of rice and then ayam goreng or a type of food je. Memang makan sikit, tapi bila makan masakan mak, wajib makan banyak hehehe
Ada pula yang cakap mak aku tak bagi makan, like excuse me, you yang tak bagi I makan. My mom always feed her children, so tak payah nak salahkan my mom bagi makan or not. Sakit hati juga bila kena tanya macam ni tapi apa nak buat... senyum dan jawab je la yang mampu.
Lagi satu bab makan ni, ada masa aku akan makan macam untuk berdua dan ada masa aku makan macam budak punya saiz hidangan. Aku amat sensitif bila bab makan ni because
- Kalau aku banyak kali sendawa that's mean aku dah start lapar and kena makan cepat-cepat before masuk angin. Haha kalau dah sakit perut tu memang kena muntah baru lega.
- Kalau time tengah makan and I feel very full even makan sikit je, I really need to stop or I will risk myself to get sick again. Kadang-kadang makan tak sampai suku pun dah kena stop otherwise memang muntah la jawabnya.
Underweight people is also famous for our speedy metabolism. Tak sempat nak buat lemak dah hilang ._. Constantly lapar tu ye juga but I'm the type yang tak makan makanan berat on certain times such as waktu tengah malam and yeah I don't do breakfast. After I discover bila aku makan pagi, aku akan sakit perut jadi aku kurangkan bersarapan - this is very unhealthy so please don't do this if you value your life *cakap tak serupa bikin sorry
Aku rasa sampai sini je la sis nak bebel. Selalu kalau orang duk cakap depan aku "eee kurusnya kau" rasa macam nak balas je "suka hati aku la nak gemuk ke kurus ke. Siapa kau nak judge?"
Aku tahu ramai yang akan fikir jadi kurus ni banyak untung sebab boleh pakai baju apa je. EXCUSE ME, even when we wear the normal size clothes we still feel like the clothes hanging on us. Some people do find small size clothes uncomfortable!
Kau punya "untung la kurus" tu bukan boleh bawa pergi mana pun. We do have thousands of disadvantages such as weak immune system, can't lift heavy stuff, people quick to think we're sick or having eating disorder while in fact we can't help being skinny when most of the time it came from our gene.
Orang melayu punya typical thinking when people say "beautiful" is
- kulit putih melepak who are more likely to get skin cancer because believe it or not, Malaysia is freaking hot and skin cancer is 10th most common cancer in Malaysia - source: thestar
- obsession to be kurus dalam masa seminggu!!!
Important reminder to every woman out there:
As long as you're comfortable in your skin, in your body, you're as beautiful as you are!
"Indeed, We have created the human being upon the best of forms. Then we reduced him to the lowest of the low, except those who believe and do good, for they shall have an unending reward. So who henceforth will give the lie to you about the judgment? Is not Allah the Best of Judges? [Sūrah al-Tīn: 4-8]"
whatever shape your body is, everyone is beautiful. as long as you're healthy, ye dok.
ReplyDeleteI personally have to lose weight since my BMI is nearly overweight
yea betul, ni yang dah kurus pun nak kurus lagi haih la~
Deleteas long u are healthy! during my 12 years old till 22 years old, maybe? i always ranting about how skinny i am. and I hate when people saying like i dont eat at all. now i have gain more weight, and they are saying why i am fat. well, society kan. we can't shut them up.
ReplyDeleteXX Atheera | http://atheeradayana.com/ XX
yep! people keep talking but they don't understand a thing (especially for an underweight person to gain weight ugh the struggle!)
DeleteBe healthy and be happy leo. ^^
ReplyDeleteThank you :) You too, okay? :D
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ReplyDeleteOmy, leo we are the same. I'm underweight as well, it's such a pain when someone says I'm too thin and started to compare my body weight with almost everyone haih but yea let's stay healthy okay :)
ReplyDeleteTu la, just ignore what people say that's what the best thing to do. Stay healthy aizu :)
DeleteLeo! I'm also underweight. I'm going to be 26 this year and my weight is only 43kg that makes people around me keep on asking, 'tak makan ke?' 'diet ke?' takpun 'tak elok la kurus macam ni makan lah banyak-banyak sikit' as if like I didn't eat at all but again society, just do not know how to jaga hati orang kan :)
ReplyDeletewhatever it is, eat healthy and be happy with yourself, okay :)
Hi Fatina! You're right memang payah nak jaga hati orang ni, haih la. As long as you're comfortable with yourself, you're doing good :D
DeleteIt's okay.. We are beautiful as we are. Cheers!
That's true. Cheers!
Deleteim underweight too. people keep asking why im so skinny, kenapa makan sikit je, kenapa2. hahahahha just ignore them. maybe some just wanna to start a conversation. be cool. :D and be healthy too! :3
ReplyDeleteHahaha betul tu, sampai malas kot nak jawab soalan kenapa2 ni dah :\ Stay healthy BV! :)
DeleteI know some skinny people hate their body too. That's why I never say "untung lah kurus". understanding kan saya? muahahaha jk
ReplyDeleteYes! Ni baru betul hahahha