Sunshine Blogger Award

3/12/2017 09:00:00 am
Assalamualaikum I was tagged by sis BV (thank you!) - who I enjoy reading her writings so much. Thanks again for tagging me, so I have something to write on my blog :) The rules: 1. Thank the person(s) who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog 2. Answer the 11 questions sent...

Skinny Jeans Best for Looking Great

3/09/2017 02:05:00 pm
Assalamualaikum Hi guys! Today I want to talk about fashion – which is kinda rare since I’m no fashionista. But today talk is about something that everyone wear! what type of jeans that will ALWAYS be wearable no matter where you go and still looking effortlessly beautiful? You got it right ladies,...

February recap & What to look for in March?

3/07/2017 08:39:00 pm
Assalamualaikum This time I am going to write for a short entry. The reason of I'm writing this is for making up all the lost entries that I should have post in February 😅 Here are some things I did / learn in February on my way to complete 2017 resolutions; I went to 2 Islamic talks that had...